The advantage of the spin technique in comparison to the glide technique is the ability to move the implement on a longer path through the circle. These four drills are some fundamental drills that will allow even the beginner thrower to make progress towards big, explosive tosses!
360 Pivots
Having the ability to pivot on the ball of the feet are cruitial to learning and developing the spin technique. 360 Pivots are a vital drill that will help athletes develop the skill of balancing and rotating on the ball of the foot on the entry (and through the middle).
To initiate this drill, the athlete will assume their start position, with the feet shoulder width apart, facing the back of the circle. Ideally, the athlete will do this with the shot in there neck, but can be perform without the shot as needed. The athlete will wind up, allowing the left arm to lead their movement. As the left arm starts to open through the entry, the athlete will shift their weight over their pivot foot, balancing on the inside of the ball of foot, keeping the arm, knee, and foot moving as one system. The athlete should keep the sweep leg long and low, to work as a counter balance around, to ensure the athlete can get back to the starting position.
Half Turn Drill
This is the next crucial pivoting drill when learning the spin technique. Half turns will allow the athlete to develop the skill of rotating on the ball of the foot in the middle to the front of the circle.
To initiate this drill, the athlete will set up in the middle of the circle, with the shoulders facing the direction of the throw with the hips facing 90 degrees away from the direction of the throw. The athlete will wind their shoulders, creating greater separation between the shoulders and hips, allowing the ball to be at its furthest point. From there, the athlete will push of their back leg, working it around their front leg, while pivoting on the ball of the foot of the front leg, grounding into a stand/power position with the shoulders back. While the athlete performs this drill, they should prioritize keeping their weight stacked ontop of their front leg.
Giant Step (270 Drill)
The Giant Step drill is another drill that develops the entry of the spin techinque. It utilizes the pivoting skills developed from the 360 drill and allows the athlete to work out the back of the circle to the middle. This drill can be connected to the Half Turn drill if the athlete/coach wants to connect back to the front.
The athlete will assume the same start position they did with the 360 Pivot Drill, with the feet shoulder width apart and the shoulders and hips facing the back of the circle. The athlete will open out the back, allowing the left arm, knee, and foot to open 90 degrees. From that loaded position, the athlete will push off their back leg (sweep leg) and work it around the pivot foot, grounding it in the middle, finishing in the half turn position.
Float, Float, Sting
Float, Float, Sting is a great drill to develop explosive rhythm working from out the back to the front on the circle. This is a drill that we use with younger athletes to teach them the timing of getting out the back and grounding into the stand/power position in the front.
To set up this drill, the athlete will face 90 degrees away from the direction of the throw. The athlete will perform two lateral shuffles (float, float), then will step through as if they were working out the back to the front of the circle (sting). The athlete should focus on the rhythm of the lower body as they perform this drill. We typically use a 1-2 or Right-Left audiotory cue to help our athletes understand the timing of getting of the back leg, grounding the front leg, and grounding into double support (stand position).
Use these four drills in your next session to build your ability to accelerate the shot on the longest path through the circle, resulting in MONSTER tosses. If you are looking for more information on the spin technique, check out our course Learn to Spin in 30 Days!

"Our aim is to provide concise and concrete education and training on the throws, helping coaches and athletes learn what they need to do to succeed and become champions."
- Dane, Trevor, and Sam
