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August 13-16 2024

"Experience how world-class throwers train!"

The camp is full for 2024. Please email to join the cancellation list

What's Included?

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2 Throwing Sessions Per Day

During each throwing session we will receive direct instructional coaching on your technique. You will take 30-40 full throws, honing in on tangible improvements that you can make. No endless hours of bodyweight drills!

Weightlifting Technique

We will teach you the basics of the Weightlifts (the snatch, clean, and jerk) if you don't know them, or fine-tune your technique if you already incorporate them into your lifting!

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Full Strength Building Workouts

Each day we will put you through one of our best strength building workouts. We will alternate between upper body and lower body lifts, making you feel the burn but still ready to attack the next throwing session.

Video Review of Your Technique

Dane will do in-person technical analyses of your throws. He will break down your technique and give you cues to work through during your next session!

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Special Strength Exercises

We will show you our best special strength exercises that combine technique development with strength building that will directly corelate to further throws!

Mobility Exercises

What is the best way to recover from hard lifts and long throwing sessions? We will break down how we approach mobility and the huge impact it can have on your throws.

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Instructional Lectures

We use the term "lecture" loosely. Dane does not make his presentations boring. However, you will learn exactly what it takes to become champion and achieve more than you dreamed possible as a thrower.

Camp Schedule

Tuesday August 13th

Wednesday August 14th

9:30 - Check in

10:00 - Throws Session 1

11:00 - Weightlifting and Lower Body Lift

12:00 - Lunch Break and Recovery

12:30 - Technical Model Review

1:30 - Throws Session 2

2:30 - Special Strength Session

3:30 - End of Day

10:00 - Throws Session 3

11:00 - Upper Body Lift

12:00 - Lunch Break and Recovery

12:30 - How to be a Champion

1:30 - Throws Session 4

2:30 - Mobility Session

3:30 - End of Day

Thursday August 15th

Friday August 16th

10:00 - Throws Session 5

11:00 - Weightlifting and Plyometrics

12:00 - Lunch Break and Recovery

12:30 - Thrower Technique Review 

1:30 - Throws Session 6

2:30 - Special Strength Session

3:30 - End of Day

PA Powerfest Throws Meet (Shot and Disc)



*Subject to change


(All camp attendees can attend for no extra cost. However sign up will still be required closer to the date)

Add 5 Feet In Days

What can just a few days do for your throwing distance? Just ask the throwers who PR'd by 5 feet or more at the competition after our last camp! 


Getting a different perspective on your technique with hands on coaching can make the difference between making the same mistakes for the next 6 months or fixing them now starting to PR again!

Who has been to our camp?

Wes Shaw: Shot - 64' Disc - 178'
Jeff Kline: Shot 65'7"
Maria Deaviz: Shot - 53' Disc 150'
Sarah Marvin: Shot - 51'4" Disc - 154'
T'Mond Johnson: Shot - 20.87m
Payden Montana: Shot - 51' Disc - 166'
... and many more

Who are you training with?

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Get Our

Camp T-Shirt!

Deciding between the

Spin or Glide?

Our specialty is analyzing how throwers move best and whether they are best suited for the spin or the glide.


If you want to try the spin, we will have you taking full spins on DAY 1

Learn more about choosing the Spin or Glide

Click here to download

Sign up for our email list to download!

Camp Information


Any other questions?

Thanks for submitting! We will contact you soon.

Learn More About Our Training System

And why we have produced so many National Champions, State Champions, All-Americans, and World Team Members!

Read Our Blogs:

Watch our YouTube videos:

What Are Campers Saying?

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